We are experiencing difficult times. A deadly epidemic is taking over the world. For many, this situation is terrifying and fills our hearts with fear, anxiety and powerlessness. More and more people are infected. It is impossible not to compare the present moment with the 17th century plague epidemic in Italy. It was then when the fourth apparition of Saint Michael the Archangel took place on the Mount Gragano. Responding to the heartfelt request of Bishop Puccinelli, the Holy Archangel came with help – God’s help. A miracle took place. From now on he is called the Deliverer from the Plague. And today we want to open our hearts and humbly ask for God’s mercy. We do it through the intercession of Saint Michael the Archangel.
We are experiencing difficult times. Because of otherwise justified reasons, we cannot gather together for prayer. There were many occasions where scapular wearers could meet for a prayer, but it is not possible now. We do not want to succumb to a sense of powerlessness, but we want to rather use it as an opportunity to experience the strength and power of the bond of the Spiritual Family that we are. Therefore, when we meet spiritually in a prayer, let us do our best to remember about the prayer of Pope Leo XIII in those special moments. Let us invoke the intercession of the Great Archangel through the Novena. Wherever we are, we want to open our hearts to the experiences of the power of God’s action and of the sense of community, that we are all longing for. Let this Special time of Prayer and of Grace – the spiritual connection of people bearing the sign of the Scapular of St. Michael-The Deliverer from the Plague – pour into our hearts trust in the God’s will, in our lives and lives of those whom we bring before God through the intercession of Saint Michael Archangel. We pray for all affected by the pandemic and we trust that there will be days when we will be able to meet again in community for a prayer of thanksgiving.