The Knights of St Michael the Archangel is a movement overseen by the Congregation of St. Michael the Archangel. During the trial period of three months the candidate should follow all the rules (Statutes), which includes curtailing bad habits such as alcohol or smoking, eventually eliminating them completely if one can. It is permissible to have a glass of wine with a meal.
The official name of this apostolic movement is The Knights of Saint Michael the Archangel. The main task of the knights is to proclaim the victory of Jesus Christ over Satan. The knights are sent on a mission to expiate God for the sins of humankind and to obtain the conversion of sinners. They aim to achieve this by reciting the Prayer of St Michael the Archangel ad link to defend us in the day of battle. This simple prayer of exorcism is said every day to keep away evil spirits from oneself, the Church and the whole world, particularly from those that are tempted and possessed by Satan. It is referred to in these set of the Rules (Statutes) as the prayer of simple exorcism.
Coat of Arms
Our coat of arms represents two important mottos closely related to the patron saint of the Michaelite Fathers. It displays a round coat divided into two fields. On the left there is a gold background with a sword, the symbol of St Michael “Who is like God”. Because of it’s brightness gold symbolizes what is precious and valuable and so symbolizes the presence of God, majesty, joy and celebration.
On the right is St Michael the Archangel – the first Knight and defender of heavenly fight for justice and souls. The white violet background is the colour of humility, purity, holiness and virtue, as well as respect and reverence in the symbolism of the Catholic Church.

Coat of Arms was designed by the deputy editor of “The Angels messengers from a loving God” magazine.
General Animator

In 2004 Fr. Peter was appointed The General Animator of the Knighthood of St Michael. The original Statutes were approved by the Superior General from the Congregation of St Michael the Archangel (CSMA) Poland in August 1994. In August 2013 the Devotional Knighthood of St Michael the Archangel was approved, many laypeople have since become knights. The Patron of the Knighthood is St Michael the Archangel.