Name and Aim of Knights who follow this Devotion
- The official name of this apostolic movement is the Devotional Knights of Saint Michael the Archangel. The Patron Saint of the Knighthood is Saint Michael the Archangel.
- Knights are confirmed Catholics, who are open to the Holy Spirit and give themselves to Christ, unite with Him, and help the Church by keeping demons away from Her.
- The main task of the knights is to proclaim the victory of Jesus Christ over Satan. The knights are sent on a mission to expiate God for the sins of human kind and to obtain the conversion of sinners. They aim to achieve this by reciting the prayer of St Michael the Archangel to defend us in the day of battle. This simple prayer of exorcism is said every day to keep away evil spirits from oneself, the Church and the whole world, particularly from those who are tempted and possessed by Satan. It is referred to in these set of the Statutes / Rules as the prayer of simple exorcism.
Knights’ Participation in Spiritual Goods
- All knights belong to the spiritual family of Michaelites and participate in their spiritual benefits such as:
- Masses celebrated by Michaelite Fathers on the first Tuesday of the month;
- Daily prayers of the members of the Congregation of St Michael the Archangel;
- Daily prayers to the Queen of Heaven.
- Knights gain many merits for eternal life by uniting more closely with Christ, and through Him, with God the Father in the Holy Spirit, working and doing everything for the sake of His Divine love, opening to the Holy Spirit, being inspired by St Michael the Archangel and the guardian angels, accepting their help and driving away evil spirits from people by saying the prayer of simple exorcism.
- Prayers will be said for deceased knights. The General Animator celebrates Gregorian Masses each November for deceased knights. The National Animator celebrates Mass for a deceased knight just after he receives information about his or her death.
Organization of the Knights
- The Head Office of the Knights of St Michael the Archangel is the General House of the Congregation of St Michael the Archangel (Michaelites, CSMA): ul. Pilsudskiego 250; 05-261 Marki; Warsaw; Poland.
Responsibilities of a Knight of St Michael
- The main duty of knights is the continuous effort to be in a state of grace and in friendship with God so that they can exclaim about Satan: “He has no power over me” (John 14: 30).
- All knights must respect the Holy Father, the bishops and priests and all the teachings of the Church. They should defend them if required. An attitude of humility and obedience towards God and the Church should be an obvious feature of every knight.
- All knights should pray for the growth of the Michaelite family.
Admission to the Knighthood of St Michael the Archangel
- After a trial period of three months the candidate makes the following promise themselves to God. Becoming a Knight.
The Devotional of the Knights of St Michael the Archangel was approved on 15th August 2013.
Fr Kazimierz Tomaszewski CSMA, Superior General approved this version two of the original Knighthood, which was approved on 8th July 2003.