

Grotto at the St. Michael the Archangel Shrine in Monte Sant Angelo, Italy

(The feast of St Michael the Archangel is on 29th of September. We may prepare for that event with a nine-day novena to the Prince of Heavenly Hosts. Do not hesitate: ask him for blessings for you and your family.)

How to pray novena? What is 9 hour novena? Visit: Wiki How

    L. O God, come to my assistance.
    A. O Lord, make haste to help me.
    L. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
    A. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

First Day 

Most glorious Archangel, St Michael, who full of faith, humility, gratitude and love, far from adhering to the suggestions of the rebellious Lucifer or of being intimidated by the sight of his numerous followers, rose at once against him, and animating the remainder of the heavenly court to defend the cause of God, gained a complete victory over him. Obtain for me, I beg of you, the grace to discover all the snares, and resist all the attacks of these angels of darkness, so that triumphing after your example over them, I may merit to shine one day on that seat of glory from which they were precipitated never to rise again.

Second Day

Most glorious Archangel, St Michael, who, appointed by God the guardian of all the Hebrew people as his instrument, consoled them in their afflictions, enlightened them in their doubts, provided for all their needs, even so far as to divide the seas, to rain down manna from the clouds, and to draw water from the rocks, I implore of you to enlighten, console, defend, and assist my soul in all its necessities, that overcoming all the obstacles which are met at every step in the perilous desert of this world, I may arrive safely in that kingdom of peace and delight, of which the land promised to Abraham was but a shadow.

Third Day

Most glorious Archangel, St Michael, who, constituted the head and defender of the Catholic Church, rendered her always triumphant over the blindness of the Gentiles by the preaching of the Apostles; the cruelty of tyrants, by the firmness of her martyrs; the malice of heretics, by the wisdom of her doctors; the evil customs of the world, by the purity of her virgins, the sanctity of her Pontificate and the penitence of her confessors; defend her continually from the assaults of her enemies, deliver her from the scandal of her unworthy sons, so that showing herself always peaceful and glorious, we shall continue to hold most firmly our belief in her dogmas, and persevere until death in the observance of her precepts. 

Fourth Day

Most glorious Archangel, St Michael, who stands beside our altars to bear to the throne of the Eternal Majesty our prayers and our sacrifices, assist me, l implore of you, in all the exercises of Christian piety, that I may perform them with constancy, recollection, and faith, so that they may merit to be presented by your hands to the Most High, and to be accepted by him as incense of grateful sweetness. 

Fifth Day

Most glorious Archangel, St Michael, at whose feet the most sublime dignity of this earth bows down in humility, look with an eye of mercy on my miserable soul overruled by so many passions, stained by so many sins, and obtain for me grace to overcome the former and detest the latter, that having once risen to a new life I may never again fall into so unhappy a state. 

Sixth Day

Most glorious Archangel, St Michael, who, being the terror of the devils, is destined by the Divine goodness to defend us from their assaults in the last combat, console me, I implore of you, in that dreadful moment with your sweet presence, help me with your invincible power to overcome all my enemies, that saved through your means from sin and hell, I may praise your power and mercy for all eternity. 

Seventh Day

Most glorious Archangel, St Michael, who with more than paternal eagerness descends compassionately into the suffering Kingdom of Purgatory to free the souls of the elect and transport them with you into eternal happiness, obtain for me that by leading a holy and fervent life I may merit to be exempt from those fearful pains; but if for unknown faults or not having made sufficient atonement in this life I shall be condemned to suffer there for some time, plead then my cause before our Lord, and inspire all my friends to offer suffrages for me, that as soon as possible I may fly to heaven to shine with that most holy light which was promised to Abraham and all his descendants. 

Eighth Day

Most glorious Archangel, St Michael, who art destined to sound the trumpet announcing the General Judgment, and to precede the Son of Man with His Cross in the great valley, obtain that the Lord may anticipate it for me by a judgment of goodness and mercy in this life, chastising me beforehand for my sins, that my body may rise with the just to a blessed and glorious immortality, and my spirit be consoled at the sight of the Lord Jesus, who shall form the joy and consolation of all the elect. 

Ninth Day

Most glorious Archangel, St Michael, who, constituted the governor of all mankind, are in a special manner the guardian of the Catholic Church and of her visible head, bring back into the bosom of this elect Spouse of Jesus Christ all the wandering sheep, non-believers, Jews, schismatics and sinners, that all, united in one common sheepfold, may together sing for all eternity the sovereign mercy. Preserve the Church in the way of sanctity, and defend from all enemies the infallible interpreter of her will, her vicar on earth, the Roman Pontiff, that always, obedient to the voice of that universal pastor, none may stray from the path of salvation, but all, increasing every day in justice, both subjects and superiors, peoples and leaders, may form on earth that society of peaceful and indissoluble concord which is the image, the prelude, and the pledge of that perfect and eternal society which all the blessed in heaven compose with Jesus Christ. 

Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness
and snares of the devil. 
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; 
and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host – 
by the Power of God – 
cast into hell, Satan and all the evil spirits, 
who roam throughout the world 
seeking the ruin of souls. 

Conclude with Litany to St Michael the Archangel.


Where does prayer come from? Whether prayer is expressed in words or gestures, it is the whole man who prays. But in naming the source of prayer, Scripture speaks sometimes of the soul or the spirit, but most often of the heart (more than a thousand times). According to Scripture, it is the heart that prays. If our heart is far from God, the words of prayer are in vain.

CCC 2559

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